Sooke Brewing Company
Package Design
This fantastic company is a true craft brewery with a gorgeous tasting room in Sooke, BC. Their brand, like their beers, is straightforward, beautifully crafted, rustic, yet modern. I began my relationship with the company when I designed a baltic porter label for them. This one-off abstract pattern package design would eventually lead to work developing an overall packaging concept for the company’s canning and bottling.
This direction will use plaid as the primary identifier of the brewery, playing off of the traditional red plaid as a start but also being playful with fun new colors and variations to show diversity within the brand. Each new beer release can have its on variation and own take on a traditional feeling. In devel- opment we can decide how traditional or how contemporary we would like to take this interpretation. But this will keep the designs largely in the abstract and not depict anything too specific. Using Color and Pattern we can convey the taste and mood of each new beer and when presented as a collection they will have a striking effect on the shelf.